SAU 16 Competencies and Standards

Over the past year SAU 16 K-12 teachers have worked together to create K-12 learning progressions by content area. A learning progression is a road or pathway that our students travel as they progress toward demonstration of the skills needed for career and college readiness. The English, math, science, and social studies K-5 progressions are organized by grade span allowing for student to work at their own learning level and are currently posted on the SAU 16 web page under curriculum for your review. The 6-12 progressions in these content areas are in the final phases and will be posted soon.

School counseling, art, and physical education learning progressions are posted in a K-12 format. Health, music, library media tech. and world language will be posted soon. This format allows for students to show demonstration of mastery in a variety of ways as the foundation of these courses moves more into student choice at the high school level.

All of the progressions are supporting the overall SAU 16 Graduation Competencies that are listed at the top of each content area. These competencies support the overarching SAU 16 Vision for our Graduates:

Each graduate demonstrates engaged learning and citizenship through the ability to solve problems independently and collaboratively with perseverance and resilience, and communicates solutions with confidence and empathy.