Lunch Services
Newfields Elementary School Lunch Program
Lunch Service
The NES Lunch Program serves lunch Monday – Friday and is $3.50 per lunch. A menu will be sent home on a monthly basis and can be viewed on our school website at www.nes.sau16.org. The Lunch Program only offers lunch – we do not offer snacks. Every class has a snack time mid-morning. Please send a healthy snack with your child. Also, please check the menu daily as there is only one lunch option. A lunch from home will be needed on days your child does not like the menu option for that day. Please make sure the nurse has any allergy information so she can pass this along to me.
We are now online! Please go to the Newfields Elementary School website, click on Food Services. Once there click on the Titan Logo to sign up. You can view you child’s lunch balance online as well. This system will also follow your child as they move up in SAU 16. If you need assistance with paying for lunch, please sign up online for free or reduced lunches. If you need any help signing on to the program or any questions pertaining to the lunch program, email me at sdaley@sau16.org.
Milk & Juice are not part of the lunch program and will need to be purchased separately. The cost of milk and/or juice is $.30 per serving and must be prepaid—look for or request a copy of the order form if you wish to purchase milk and/or juice.